Maths – Place Value

We are well into our Place Value unit of work and have been exploring numbers up to 1,000,000. Here are some photos of us moving around the classroom to represent numbers in different ways, and an investigation where we had to use the clues and digit cards to make the numbers being described.

The Explorer – A class debate

In English, we are reading ‘The Explorers’, where four children find themselves stranded in the Amazon Rainforest. We enjoyed having a debate about whether building a raft to escape is a good idea or not. We did a great job at listening to each other’s views and challenging them courteously.

The Explorer- Non-Chronological Reports

We enjoyed becoming experts on a chosen Amazon Rainforest Insect and producing an informative, double-page non-chronological report. Look at how amazing they turned out!

Blackout Poems

We created some wonderful Blackout Poems using extracts from the book. We ‘blacked out’ words to make other words stand out. We loved illustrating them.

Here is a collection of our amazing work!

Samba Workshop

In class, we have been learning about Carnival in Brazil which is well known for its colourful parades, costumes and Samba. Calderdale Music Trust came in to deliver a Samba workshop for us. We had an amazing afternoon making lots of noise and exploring the different instruments including a range of drums, shakers and agogo bells. We made a fantastic Samba band!

We also enjoyed designing, making and evaluating masks for the carnival in class.

WW2 Visitor

On Monday 18th March, John visited us to tell us all about his experience of being evacuated from London to Todmorden, when he was 7 years old. We really enjoyed asking him questions about the war, his Todmorden evacuee family and the school he went to. Thank you John for your time and for helping us gain a better understanding of what life was like for evacuee children during WW2.

Todmorden Fire Station Visit

We enjoyed visiting Todmorden Fire Station for a morning of fire safety education and activities. We developed our understanding of how the Fire Service helps our community and how we can prevent fire in our homes. We have all been challenged to deliver these messages back home and to check that we all have smoke alarms fitted in our houses that work. We loved having a tour of the fire station and getting to see some of the equipment up close.


Here are some photos of us using Base 10 and creating area models on the table to multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers. This practical lesson has developed our understanding of numbers being partitioned before multiplying them, before moving onto the grid method and formal written method of long multiplication.

Art- Harvest Artwork

We have been preparing for our Harvest Service and have produced some beautiful artwork of green fruits and vegetables that we are thankful for, using a range of mediums.

PSHE – Healthy Lifestyles

We have been learning about the different emotions for our ‘Daily Check in’ in our Calm Corner. We enjoyed playing a game of Emotions Charades, where we had to guess the action and emotion being acted out. This term, we are thinking about ‘Healthy Lifestyles’ and have made our own ‘Staying Healthy’ checklists, where we have written 10 healthy habits we are going to try and build, to keep our minds and bodies healthy.

Investigation Homework – The Amazon Rainforest

We have been blown away by the time and effort many children have put into their Investigation Homework, which we have displayed in our classroom. Keep it up Class 5!

 PSHE – Bonfire Night

Ahead of Bonfire Night and Firework Season, we were reminded of some important rules to keep ourselves and others safe. The West Yorkshire Fire Service provided us with some videos and information on the Bonfire and Firework Codes. We used our ICT lesson to produce some safety posters on the Chromebooks.

Bring Yer Wellies

We had a brilliant day out at Bring Yer Wellies. We learnt more about tree growth, identification, hard wood, soft wood and its various uses, which links to our Geography topic and the Amazon Rainforest. We planted a lemon thyme and spearmint herb to take home and look after and we found out about how a 10 year old wormery packed with thousands of worms (the main decomposers of the Amazon) turns organic material into compost. We also took part in some team building activities including den building and a map reading treasure hunt. 


Reindeer Run

Well done Class 5 for your brilliant efforts, fundraising for Overgate Hospice and running several laps of the park. We are so proud of you!

Art- Lighthouse Clay Tiles

In Art, we designed and painted clay tiles linked to our English text ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’.

Junior Community Wardens Project

Over the next term, we will be taking part in a Community Wardens Project which involves looking at issues in the local area such as litter, graffiti, dog fouling and speeding. Our first session involved PCSO Dave Evans coming in to visit us. We enjoyed asking him lots of questions about his role in the community. We are really excited to get started on our project!

Our second session involved going out into the community with our clipboards, tallying different types of litter including cigarette butts, dog poo, fly tipping and overgrown vegetation hanging over paths. We couldn’t believe how much litter there was!

Islam Workshop with Imran

This term in RE, we are learning about Islam. We really enjoyed having Imran in school to help us learn more about his religion. He did a wonderful whole school assembly, where he spoke about the Five Pillars of Islam in detail and invited children up to the front to hold up some artefacts and images.

After assembly, we had a classroom workshop with him, where we looked closely at a range of Islamic artefacts and images and thought about which pillar(s) they linked to. We got to try dates which is linked to the ‘Sawm’ pillar – this is often the first thing Muslims eat to break their fasting.

Imran was very impressed with the knowledge we had and some of the Arabic we knew!