The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas

We have had a lovely start to the Autumn term - reading The Colour Monster, talking about our feelings and learning our colours. We used the mirrors to look at our faces and thought about how our faces show how we are feeling. We drew pictures and tried hard to show feelings in our drawings. We listened to different music and thought about how it made us feel - some music was sad, some songs made us feel happy and some music made us feel scared and we covered our ears! We made our own Colour Monsters in the playdough, selected different colours on the smart board to create pictures and sorted colours in the maths area.

Pumpkin Soup

We had lots of fun with pumpkins! We read a lovely story called Pumpkin Soup and retold the story of the cat, the squirrel and the duck with the small world. We made our own delicious pumpkin soup and were careful to put in just the right amount of salt - just like in the story. It was the best soup we'd ever tasted! We used the hammers to hammer the pegs into the pumpkins and worked hard on our hand-eye coordination.


We have been reading lots of stories about bears in Nursery. We have talked about hibernation and why some animals hibernate for the winter. We have been using lots of prepositional language, words like under, over, behind, in front, when playing with the small world bears. We have made repeating patterns with the coloured bears and played teddy bear's picnic. We also practised our counting, giving the bear the correct amount of cakes, on the game on the computer. 

Christmas Extravaganza

We had a lovely morning at our Nursery Christmas Extravaganza. It was so nice to have all our families in Nursery for the morning. The children were very busy crafting, playing and enjoying biscuits and mince pies! We ended our morning with some Christmas singing and our raffle. Thank you to everyone that came and bought tickets. We raised an amazing £225 for Nursery! 

Lunar New Year
We had a lovely week celebrating Lunar New Year! 2024 is the year of the dragon. We learnt how families prepare for and celebrate the New Year by cleaning, cooking, having parades and fireworks. We learnt the story of the animals racing across the river and how this is how the order of the Chinese zodiac was decided. We counted coins into lucky red envelopes and worked on our scissor skills by cutting up noodles. We made paper lanterns and and danced to traditional music.


We had some surprise visitors today..... the owls came to Owls! We met four different owls and learnt about what they look like, where they live and what they eat. We even had the chance to hold one of the owls on our hand. We loved watching them fly across our classroom

We have been learning all about hedgehogs and hibernation. We have been recognising numbers, counting and strengthening our finger muscles with the pegs. We have enjoyed retelling the story of The Very Helpful Hedgehog and thinking about how we can help out at home. We did some lovely apple printing pictures using Autumn colours. We made our own salt dough hedgehogs and a chocolate crispy nest for him to hibernate in! We used pasta to make hedgehogs in the playdough area and used different types of pasta to develop our maths learning on sorting.
This week we have had lots of fun learning about Diwali, the Festival of Light, celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs around the world. 
We used clay to make our own diva lamps and decorated them with sequins and beads. We enjoyed a dance workshop where we learnt a dance routine to Indian music. We have listened to the story of Rama and Sita and were very pleased that Rama conquered the evil demon. We have learnt about how families prepare for and celebrate Diwali and drew some lovely Mendhi patterns on the hands. We looked at some beautiful rangoli patterns and made our own patterns with the Numicon number shapes. 


We had a fantastic time on our school trip. We went to the Victoria Theatre in Halifax to watch Santa's Sparkly Surprise. We joined in with the singing and helped Santa to decorate his Christmas tree. We were lucky enough to meet Santa at the end of the show and he gave us a little present. We can't wait for our next adventure. 

The Gingerbread Man

We have had a great start to our new Traditional Tales topic by reading The Gingerbread Man. We have been counting buttons and matching the quantity to the numeral, making gingerbread men with the playdough and we made some tasty gingerbread people for snack time. We ate their legs first so they didn't run away! We tried to help the gingerbread man cross the river by building boats for him. We thought about which materials would be best in the water and discovered that cardboard boxes didn't work very well so we chose things made from plastic instead. 

Visit to the Fire Station

We had a very exciting visit to the fire station to learn more about the jobs that people do in our community. We looked at the fire engine and all the equipment inside. We talked about all the safety equipment that fire fighters need to wear and we even got to have a turn at squirting the hose!