Our Family Support Lead is Anna Page.
Message from Anna:-
I’m here to support the children and families of our school with any issues in the home or out of school that may be a cause for concern. I am able to provide support to children in school and can meet with parents and carers in school or at home if needed.
As part of my role I am able to:
- Support families with issues within the home
- Sign-post children and parents to external services
- Work with external services to support families
- Support parents who are victims of Domestic Abuse, have financial difficulties or housing concerns
- Refer families to social services or the Early Help Pathway if needed
- Contact parents to discuss home concerns raised in school by children
- Talk to children about their home lives or any worries they have about school or home
- Provide 1:1 Drawing and Talking therapy to children in school
- Phone families who haven’t reported absences to school as part of first day calling
- Discuss safeguarding concerns with families and keep you informed about any actions we are taking in school to manage these concerns
- Deal with medical care plans and sharing of medical information
My working days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and I am available to help with any queries at morning drop off or on the phone number below. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
I can be contacted on or on 07723001580